Secret Russian operation – set fire to Ikea

Secret Russian operation set fire to Ikea

Updated 00.25 | Published 00.23




full screen Photo: Beate Oma Dahle / NTB

Strange fires have broken out all over Europe.

It is about an English warehouse, a Polish paint factory – and an Ikea store in Lithuania.

It is all believed to be part of a secret Russian operation to stop arms deliveries to Kiev.

Intelligence services in the West have investigated several fires around Europe – and the traces seem to lead to the Russian military intelligence service GRU, reports New York Times.

One of the first acts of sabotage occurred at a warehouse in the UK that the authorities do not want to say more about than that it is linked to supplying Ukraine. Four British men have been charged with arson and are believed to have been recruited via a Russian diplomatic building in Sussex.

“Be very vigilant”

The secret operations are also believed to include a paint factory in Poland, and most strangely: an Ikea store in Lithuania, writes the New York Times.

It is unclear why the Ikea store was burned down. Many of the targets of the attacks have not been related to the war, nor have they reduced the flow of arms to Ukraine. Rather, it is believed to be an attempt to cause general panic and reduce aid to Ukraine.

– We urge companies to be very vigilant, monitor the situation and register any suspicious incidents, says Vilmantas Vitkauskas, director of Lithuania’s crisis management center, to Pravda.

“Wants to take the war to Europe”

NATO is now planning a meeting in June to discuss Russia’s secret sabotage campaign in Europe, writes the New York Times.

Andrea Kendall-Taylor, who previously worked at the US intelligence service, tells the newspaper that Russia’s plan may be to weaken European resolve.

At the same time, it seems that they do not want the tracks to lead back to Moscow, she says.

– They want to take the war to Europe, but they don’t want a war with NATO. So they do all these things in the absence of conventional attacks.


full screen Vladimir Putin. Photo: Mikhail Tereshchenko / AP
