the diaspora, Africa’s essential asset

the diaspora Africas essential asset

Some 1.3 billion people on the continent, 2.6 billion expected in 2050… and already, 200 million Africans are part of the diaspora. In their adopted country, they participate in innovations, cultural exchanges, and the acceleration of the economy. They also support the development of their country of origin. And in some of them, the economic importance of the diaspora is greater than the country’s export sector. So, what more can the diaspora do? The question aroused enthusiasm during the USA-Africa summit in Dallas earlier this month. In Texas, where the majority of the African diaspora is located, and Dallas where 3/4 of the Kenyans in its diaspora and all those from Zimbabwe live.

5 mins

From our correspondent,

A loose hairstyle, a tight yellow outfit, Bozoma Saint John is a personality in the world of marketing. Having worked for Pepsi, Apple, Uber, Netflix, she has become the guru of cultural transformation for the giants of the new economy. “ When I was responsible for Apple’s global marketing communications, we launched Apple Music. I was responsible for presenting the product to the world during the launch and I decided to play Hiplife, this genre from Ghana inspired by brass bands, jazz, calypso mixed with hip-hop, funk and dancehall. However, in 2015, there was no category in music streaming for this music. It was classified under the “world music” genre. Professionals thought it was niche, that it would be difficult to connect a global audience to this music. But at the time of my presentation, the online buzz was immediate. And Apple Music programmers instantly created a new category of music, first it was “African music” then afrobeat, and all the music streaming platforms followed. The diaspora must be an active ambassador of our culture, not restrict the spread of our culture to our community. »

Denim Richards came in traditional, modernized, Botswana attire. Known for his role in the series Yellowstone (one of only two roles for black actors in the series), the American actor settled in this country in 2020. He abounds. “ We will not be able to change the perception of the continent if we do not control theentertainment, entertainment. We particularly want to develop cinema tourism. Series Yellowstone generated $730 million in tourism and 2.1 billion visitors went to Montana just because of the series, generating 10,000 new jobs. Let’s do the same for Africa. We must develop our own cultural industry. »

An idea shared by Audu Maikori, the former lawyer now at the head of the Chocolate City music label. “ In 1983, all the big music labels were in Nigeria. The day the government changed, they all left, and they took with them the catalog, the distribution system. All. There was a gap of more than 15 years before some came back. » The power of diaspora : to be ambassadors of Africa and Africanness everywhere in the world. “ The diaspora must help create music and video platforms, produced by Africans and in the hands of Africans. Culture is not entertainment, it isempowerment, it’s giving us back the power! 25-30% of the music on Spotify is Afrobeat alone. Africa has the fastest growing music market in the world, +24% (compared to 10-11% in the USA). But will we, Africans, benefit from it? »

Increase the participation of the diaspora in the different American political strata

Last September, the Biden administration created the Presidential Council on Diaspora Engagement. Deniece Laurent-Matney is its president. According to her, the impact of the diaspora is becoming more and more visible. “ It is necessary to use the diaspora as a tool, and as a generator of public policy recommendations. Africans greatly participated in the construction of the United States, but African-Americans, Afro-Caribbeans, the 1st and 2nd generations want to connect with the continent. It is our role as a government to give them the space to do so. »

Elsie Sia Kanza, the Tanzanian ambassador to the USA insists. “ My current concern is to see how we can increase the participation of the diaspora in the different American political strata. Whether in the federal government, at the state or city level. This is important because this is where decisions are made. Have you seen the Indian representation in the different American strata, it’s phenomenal! We see them in Congress, in the administration, at the local level. They position themselves where the resources are. We too need more political engagement from diasporas in the country where they live “.

A final example, Bozoma Saint John recounts that the Ghanaian president asked him to rewrite his speech for the 400th anniversary of the country (for the “Year of Return” ceremony) “ The text was very good, very political. But how does this attract investors and consumers? » She added her marketing touch, as if it were for one of the brands she worked for. Assessment, “ 5 years later, Ghana has almost more tourists than it can accommodate. I’m proud of that “. Proof that the diaspora can have a huge impact.
