How was the game production carried out by years between 2021 and 2023?

How was the game production carried out by years between

Game production and the number of AAA games in the period from 2019 to 2023 also give us information about the future of the industry.

The gaming industry attracts attention as a dynamic industry that grows and develops every year. In the last five-year period from 2019 to 2023, the data recorded in game production provides concrete evidence of this growth. In this article statisticsBased on ‘s Steam data, “Game Production by YearsWe will analyze how it happened.

Game Production by Years: Growth of the Gaming Industry from 2019 to 2023

While 7700 games were released in 2019, this number increased to 12000 in 2023. This increase can be explained by the advancement of game development technologies, the growth of developer teams and the spread of digital platforms. The number of games, which was 9400 in 2020, showed steady growth, reaching 9900 in 2021 and 10300 in 2022. In 2023, the peak was reached with 12000 games.

Fluctuations in AAA Games

AAA games are productions with high budgets and appeal to large audiences. 177 AAA games were released in 2019. This number peaked at 192 in 2020. However, there was a decrease in 2021, falling to 151. This fluctuation can be explained by external factors such as difficulties in the development processes of large game projects and the pandemic. AAA game production, which started to rise again with 166 games in 2022, continued this trend with 181 games in 2023.

General Outlook of the Sector

The gaming industry has not only continued to grow over the years, but also increased its diversity. The increase seen in all games reflects the interest not only in AAA games but also in independent productions and mobile games. The increase in total game production in 2023 shows how dynamic and innovative the industry is.

Fluctuations in the production of AAA games show that this segment operates with a high balance of risk and reward. Large budgets and long development times can cause annual changes in the number of AAA games. However, each of these games manages to make a huge impact upon its release.

According to the data, while there is a steady increase in the games released, fluctuations in AAA games continue to develop, if we do not take into account the pandemic process. These trends will continue to be shaped by technological advances in the industry, changing consumer demands and the impact of global events.

Game Production by Years: Growth of the Gaming Industry from 2019 to 2023 - 2

Number of Games by Years

The blue line in the chart represents the number of all games released annually. As can be seen, there has been a steady increase in the number of all games over the years. The number of games, which was 7700 in 2019, reached 12000 in 2023.

The red line shows the AAA games released annually. Although there is a general increasing trend in this category, it reached a peak in 2020, reaching 192 AAA games, and then a decrease was observed in 2021. However, after 2021, it entered an increasing trend again, reaching 181 AAA games in 2023.

How will the future of the gaming industry be shaped?

Technological advances in the gaming industry continue without slowing down. Innovations such as virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR) and cloud gaming services offer gamers gaming experiences like they have never experienced before. These technologies are expected to become more widespread and developed in the future. Additionally, integrating technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning into game development processes will make games smarter and more dynamic.

In addition, the expansion of digital distribution channels and the increase in cloud gaming services will pave the way for innovations in the sector. The balance between independent games and AAA projects offers players a wide range of options while also increasing competition in the industry. The increase and diversity in game production is also proof that important steps have been taken to meet the expectations of the players. Producers are now planning their productions by taking into account the wishes of the players. This will emerge as an environment that gives independent game studios more chances.

Of course, these developments have also affected the gaming industry in our country. The fact that a record number of applications were made to the Crystal Pixel 2024 Game Awards this year is one of the biggest indicators of this. In addition, the fact that there are world-class plays among the applied productions is a source of pride for all of us.
