Israel grabbed full audience points from Finland and many others at Eurovision, but it doesn’t celebrate on the playlists | Foreign countries

Israel grabbed full audience points from Finland and many others

Instead of Israel, the best commercial success is achieved by the five-time winner Switzerland and the Netherlands, who were thrown out of the final.

Israel was the people’s favorite at the Eurovision a little over a week ago. Eden Golan sung by Hurricane got the second most audience points, i.e. 323. Croatia came in first Baby Lasagna Rim Tim Dagi Tim with 337 points.

In the vote, Israel received a full 12 audience points from 14 countries and also 12 audience points from the whole world.

A good week after Eurovision, the competition songs have now climbed the listening and sales lists, if they are going to climb. We went through the Spotify and sales charts of the countries that gave Israel 12 audience points to see how the popular favorite is actually doing.

Plot reveal: not very well.

Israel’s audience popularity does not appear in streaming

In the majority of countries that gave full scores, Hurricane is not among the hundred most streamed songs on the Spotify list.

Of these countries, Israel’s Eurovision received the highest Spotify ranking in Switzerland. It was the 53rd most streamed song there in week 20.

The graphic below shows the Spotify rankings of the songs of the winner Switzerland, the disqualified Netherlands and Israel in the countries where Israel received a full 12 audience points.

Hurricane did not make the top 100 in Australia, the Netherlands, Great Britain, Spain, Italy, Portugal, France or Germany. It does not appear among the top 100 in the entire world’s list.

Hurricane was ranked 74th in Finland’s Spotify in week 20.

On the official sales lists, Hurricane seems to be doing even worse. In the countries that gave full audience points, it is only on two lists

The highest sales list ranking 29 Hurricane got in Switzerland, where with the visa victory there are many other Eurovisas on the official Top 50 list. In Sweden’s official list, it is number 47.

There is no Spotify and sales list information available for San Marino. Only Spotify streaming data from Luxembourg and the whole world.

Suspicion of manipulation exposed

The sales and listening figures add water to the mill of those who suspect the manipulation of the public vote.

Acting Deputy Director of the Public Diplomacy Department of the Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs David Saranga has said to the Israeli For the Ynet online news servicethat the Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs did influence work during the Eurovision “among favorable audiences to increase the number of votes”.

The Slovenian public broadcasting company has questioned the result of the public vote in the country.

After public and expert votes have been announced separately since 2016, Israel had not received any public votes from Slovenia.

Now it got ten votes from the public, which is the second most.

Slovenian public radio wants to receive voting data from the European Broadcasting Union (EBU) about the voting of Slovenians.

The company according to the release the result raises doubts about why all the “new” voters appeared online to vote.

The recorded song is successful

The sales and listening lists reveal other interesting things.

The most streamed Eurovision song on Spotify worldwide in week 20 was the song from the Netherlands, which was canceled at the last minute from the final.

Joost Kleinin performed by Europapa was the 31st most streamed. Swiss Nemo the winning song The Code was at number 44. Rim Tim tag dim from Croatia, which received the most audience votes, is at number 123 worldwide and, for example, at number 4 in Finland.

The Eurovision Song Contest has received good sales and streaming positions in Northern and Central Europe. In southern Europe, the enthusiasm is weak in light of the sales figures.

At least based on the week following the Eurovision, none of this year’s Eurovision will make it to Sweden Loreen’s or even Finland Wrapper to last year’s success.

The Eurovision Song Contest final can be watched at Areena on June 9. until 2024.
