Accident Norrköping – three teenagers dead

Accident Norrkoping three teenagers dead


NORRKÖPING. Last night three teenagers died in a road accident – now the city is in mourning.

At the scene of the accident, traces of the tragedy can be seen with fallen trees and charred ground.

– It is a traumatic experience and a terrible pity for these young people and those affected, says Jonas Eriksson, director of education at Norrköping municipality.

  • Three teenagers died in a car accident in Norrköping, two are in hospital but in a stable condition.
  • The incident led to the city going into crisis mode and a security point was opened in Skogängsgården’s church for those affected.
  • Police are still working to determine what happened, but no one has been charged.
  • ⓘ The summary is made with the support of AI tools from OpenAI and quality assured by Aftonbladet. Read our AI policy here.

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    During Tuesday evening, the police confirmed that three teenagers have died in a traffic accident west of the city. Another two are still being treated in hospital, but are said to be in a stable condition.

    An hour after the death announcement, the municipality went into crisis mode. Now the city is in mourning.

    – This is absolutely terrible, it is a traumatic experience and a terrible pity for these young people and those affected, says Jonas Eriksson, director of education at Norrköping municipality.

    At the scene of the accident, traces of the route the car may have taken are visible. Next to a broken soup barrel lies a cap. A few meters further on, a part of the forest thicket has charred after the fire that started from the car wreck.

    At Skogängsgården’s church in Skärblacka, approximately one mile north of the accident site, a so-called security point has been set up. Staff from the municipality and the church will be there to offer support.

    – There is the Church of Sweden and we who work with children and young people and our crisis team, says Jonas Eriksson.

    Crisis groups have been activated at the teenagers’ schools.

    – We do as we usually do in these situations, the school activates its crisis groups and we contact the schools where the young people went so that as many people get the information in a good way.

    He continues:

    – The schools can also take part in psychological support from the municipality. For both young people and staff, it is an incredibly traumatic experience.


    full screen Photo: Stefan Jerrevang

    Exactly what happened is still unclear, but no suspicion of crime has yet been reported, according to the police.

    – It will become clear what has happened, but right now it is like this that we have three young people who have died and two who are being treated in hospital, says Mats Pettersson, press spokesperson for the police.

    Now they want to talk to people who saw the car.

    – It is of the utmost importance to find out what has happened and there are various things to do there, there may be people who have made observations or seen the car who have things to say, a technical examination and so on of the car which is seized, will be done, says Mats Pettersson.
