new series of clashes between terrorists and regular forces

new series of clashes between terrorists and regular forces

Several soldiers and VDP auxiliaries fell under the bullets of armed terrorist groups in the east of the country between Friday and Monday.

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In four days, attacks north and south of Fada Ngourma have multiplied.

Friday morning, a first terrorist offensive took place on the Koaré camp south of the large city of Fada. The armed terrorist groups quickly took control of the base, causing several deaths among the ranks of the Volunteers for the Defense of the Fatherland (VDP) and the Security Forces.

Then this Monday, it was north of Fada Ngourma in Momba that a VDP base was attacked. Faced with the firepower of the attackers, the VDP called in reinforcements from the regular armed forces based not far from the scene of the combat.

It was while coming to support the VDP that these soldiers fell into an ambush, described as “ complex », by a source contacted on site. Actually, ” The VDPs were not the main target of the attackers » said another security source, stressing that no definitive assessment is yet available. Another testimony mentions the figure of at least 30 deaths among the anti-terrorist forces

Consequences of these multiple attacks: several dozen people fled the villages to find refuge in Fada Ngourma.
