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A messy house, in addition to not being pleasant to live in, can be a source of stress and anxiety. How can we explain these unpleasant feelings that we can feel when our interior is in disorder? Answer.
Laundry scattered around, objects left all over the house, dishes piling up in the sink… Seeing the state of your interior, a surge of anxiety grips you. If the scene described looks familiar, that’s okay. Here’s why a messy house makes us stressed.
Clutter, a source of distraction for our brain
When an interior is polluted by these messy objects, these dirty plates and this laundry in the overflowing basket, our brain is no longer able to concentrate. These tasks then represent a distraction for the brain, while the opposite, a well-ordered and tidy room represents a form of calm.
According to a study reported by Psypost magazine, women living in a cluttered home have higher levels of cortisol (the stress hormone) and increased symptoms of depression. The researchers link these findings to the disorder, because other factors like marital satisfaction or personality traits were taken into account in their work.
Furthermore, scientists also believe that women seem to feel greater responsibility for maintaining their homes than men.
Do not aim for perfection in your home
However, and it must be remembered, we do not live in show houses. Disorder will always appear at one time or another under our roof. Living in constant disorder can be a source of stress, but constantly struggling with it can also lead to unhappiness.
It’s important to know when to accept clutter – which according to some studies can increase creativity – and when to get involved in finding a healthy home by cleaning thoroughly.
If you feel that clutter is making you upset and you need to keep your home clean and tidy, it is possible to put different rules in place to achieve this goal.
- Reduce clutter, by adopting a minimalist approach, without decoration and other superfluous objects;
- Dedicate a time during the day dedicated to tidying up;
- Ask other members of the household to help you;
- Let them know how you feel and ask them to limit their mess in the house.