"Faced with Putin, it is urgent to rearm ourselves" : our readers react to the news

A tactical nuclear weapon sent from Belarus… – LExpress

Quick, a European Defense!

Jean-Michel Bénard, Châtillon (Hauts-de-Seine)

It seems clear to me that Putin will not stop there. Just look at everything he’s already done and look at what’s happening in Georgia. A gigantic tumor, which attacks democracy, freedoms, humanist values, is slowly metastasizing everywhere. It is not yet strong enough to defeat Europe, but it is biding its time, helped by numerous auxiliaries, internal and external, who are trying to put us to sleep. I myself have a pacifist background, but I have come to this conclusion: it is urgent to rearm ourselves, to create a real European army, in the hope that it will only retain a deterrent function. In any case, it is a race against time because the Russian army will be reconstituted. Once powerful, it will annihilate us if we remain what we are: weak Westerners. These European elections are crucial and will constitute an important signal, listened to by Russia and its allies. (War in Ukraine Wladimir Klitschko: “Putin’s brain is disturbed“, L’Express of May 16).

Eurovision 2024: quite a symbol

Julien Alessi, Marseille (Bouches-du-Rhône)

The Eurovision contest has never stood out for its artistic qualities. Its 2024 version, however, had a particular significance because it was not only a musical choice but also – and above all – a civilizational choice. On the one hand, the beauty, courage, dignity and freedom of women: this is what Eden Golan and through her Israel embody. On the other, ugliness, demagoguery, vulgarity… The cowardice and hatred in its pure state of a rabid pack of anti-Semitic shaved heads: this is what Ireland, Sweden and more generally embodied Western Europe. Fortunately, many Europeans voted for Eden Golan – but they are in the political minority. (Eurovision and Israel: the silent majority won over the woke minority, by Rainer Zitelmannon lexpress.fr)

Mélenchon, great orator, really?

Yves Briche, Saint-Lô (Manche)

It is fashionable to say that Jean-Luc Mélenchon is a great orator. I’m surprised. Like any far-left agitator, he speaks loudly, but that’s all. His performances are not superior to those of Krivine, Besancenot and other leftist brawlers. His career ended, what words of Mélenchon will go down in posterity? The “pedal boat captain” addressed to François Hollande? It’s a little thin to be qualified as a “great orator”, a title awarded by the media sphere, which needs his furies to swell its audiences. No offense to his admirers, he is always in the same register: that of insult and excess in the criticism of his adversaries. There’s really nothing to get excited about. (Yariv Mozer: “Mélenchon is totally wrong about Eichmann and the banality of evil“, on lexpress.fr)

From England to Rwanda

Philippe Prinet, Lille (North)

It seems important to me to explore the subject of the return of migrants from England to Rwanda, by asking the question of their future. What status will those who have not obtained asylum there have? Will they be sent back to their country of origin? What if they are no longer accepted there? Will they become rejects in a country where ethnic problems are important, not just between Tutsis and Hutus? With the right taking more and more space in our political life, I hope that the Anglo-Rwandan method will not serve as an example! (United Kingdom: blockades to thwart the expulsion of migrants to Rwandaon lexpress.fr)

Bernard Pivot in Paradise…

Xavier Huon, Guipavas (Finistère)

God apostrophes Bernard Pivot, live: “Come here, Bernard, you will appreciate in our library this work known to everyone, but which few people have read: The Bible, first edition, numbered and dedicated (immaculate condition). You will know how to use it well. Help me to make it known, to extract its essential marrow, I will be able to help you for centuries and centuries. PS: could you also help me with the spelling? (Death of Bernard Pivot: the art of bowing outon lexpress.fr).

Two prestigious awards for L’Express

L’Express sees its editorial excellence rewarded with two prestigious prizes, awarded by the jury of the 2024 Media Innovation Strategies Grand Prize. Our exceptional 70th anniversary conference entitled “It was good yesterday, it will be better tomorrow” won the Bronze Award for Best Event. As for our special issue “1953-2023: our 70th anniversary issue”, it won Silver in the Best Special Issue category. These distinctions testify to the quality of the work of the editorial staff, which has mobilized to produce exclusive content on the occasion of the 70th anniversary of the weekly, while remaining faithful to the values ​​and commitments of its founders, particularly through coverage of the war in Ukraine.
