The USA announced at the last minute: Biden and Putin may meet!

Last minute The world stood up after Putins decision in

After the talks in Istanbul, another important development took place. White House Communications Director Kate Bedingfield said that US President Joe Biden may meet with Kremlin leader Vladimir Putin if tensions in Ukraine are reduced and diplomacy gains importance.

White House Communications Director Kate Bedingfield evaluated the developments in Ukraine in the briefing she gave to journalists in the capital Washington.

Bedingfield said, “President Biden is very clear that there must be a tangible de-escalation from Russia and a clear, genuine commitment to diplomacy,” while a meeting between Russian President Vladimir Putin and his US counterpart, Joe Biden, can only be a significant tension in Ukraine. He said it might be possible after the reduction.

“I will not set preconditions for a meeting between President Biden and President Putin, except to say that we are very clear,” said the Communications Director. “Joe Biden said he would be willing to meet or talk to President Putin again.”

On Monday, Biden said a new personal meeting with Putin was possible, adding that expectations for such talks would depend on their agenda.
