Sedative, this essential oil is best for sleeping

Sedative this essential oil is best for sleeping

It promotes relaxation and improves the quality of sleep.

Quality sleep is essential to staying healthy. However, the French no longer sleep enough: 6h58 on average on weekdays and 40 minutes more on weekends according to a study by Odoxa. Nearly 7 out of 10 adults complain of sleep problems: 42% have trouble falling asleep and 20% have insomnia problems. To remedy this, one in four French people take sleeping products. One in ten even admits to taking sleeping pills or anxiolytics. Natural solutions exist and can provide relief. In aromatherapy in particular.

But it’s not always easy to know which essential oil to choose to fall asleep easily and have a better night’s sleep. Two things matter: the benefit of this essential oil linked to its natural components and its smell. A smell that you like to smell will instantly make you feel good and soothe you. Among all the essential oils available today, there is one that is truly recognized for its sleep benefits. “Its scent has relaxing properties that can help calm the mind and reduce stress and anxiety, promoting an environment conducive to sleep”explains Kathleen Héritier, naturopath in Saint Just Saint Rambert (42) and member of the Médoucine network. “Plus, it has sedative properties that can help calm the nervous system and promote relaxation, which is essential for falling asleep easily and maintaining quality sleep throughout the night.”

This essential oil which promotes restful sleep thanks to its relaxing, soothing, sedative and hypotensive effect is none other than that of lavender, generally referred to by its botanical name “Lavandula angustifolia”. We also speak of “true lavender”, “fine lavender” or “officinal lavender”, depending on the location and method of cultivation. There are several ways to use lavender essential oil but “never pure on the skin, nor orally” warns our interlocutor.

A few drops are enough before bed

“We recommend olfactory use. Add a few drops of lavender essential oil in a diffuser or on a pebble for example, before bed can help you relax and promote restful sleep.” Another solution: opt for a relaxing bath. “Add a few drops of lavender essential oil to your hot bath, diluting it beforehand with a dispersant such as liquid soap or Epsom salt (water and oil do not mix). This can promote relaxation and help you prepare for a good night’s sleep.” You can also inhale lavender essential oil directly by placing it on a tissue or by breathing it from the bottle. Make sure not to place the essential oil directly under your nose to avoid irritation. “You can easily integrate it into a little ritual before going to sleep, combining it with taking an infusion or meditation.”

It is also possible to prepare a spray yourself by mixing distilled water with a few drops of lavender essential oil in a spray bottle. You can also make a roll-on by diluting a few drops of lavender essential oil in a vegetable oil (such as calendula). From 3 years old, we recommend 1 to 2 drops of essential oil in 5 ml of vegetable oil. And 5 drops from 6 years old. “Be sure to do a skin test beforehand to make sure you don’t have an allergic reaction.”

Lavender essential oil can be combined with sweet orange essential oil, also known for its soothing and sedative properties. “Sweet orange essential oil is also very effective for insomnia and nighttime awakenings.” Also use in diffusion or in the bath. “But be careful, because it is very photosensitizing.” Lavender essential oil is generally considered safe when used correctly. “During pregnancy and breastfeeding, it is recommended to consult a health professional before using it. Also check the precautions for use for children (always diluted, avoiding contact with eyes, nose and skin). mouth) and people with special health conditions. If you have any doubts, it is always best to consult a qualified health professional or aromatherapist.
