Diablo 4 now has a huge problem for new players: you level up too quickly

With Season 4, Diablo 4 has received several revisions. The entire item system has been improved and you get more experience points almost throughout the game. But this is exactly where there is a problem, as players have discovered: If you level up too quickly in the campaign, you will eventually hit a wall.

Where does the XP boost come from?

  • With the Season 4 changes, Blizzard has increased the amount of XP you receive at higher world levels.
  • At world level 2 you now get 50% more experience – previously it was only 20%.
  • This means: Even without the best leveling tips, you can progress quite quickly, unfortunately even if you play the campaign.
  • That’s why this is a problem: New players are required to play the campaign at least once. Only then can you visit the Endame content, such as the revised Hellfloods from Season 4.

    During the campaign, however, you are limited to playing a maximum of World Tier 2. You can only visit world levels 3 and 4 after the campaign. And exactly here lies the problem:

  • World level 2 enemies have a maximum level of 50.
  • At some point you will receive significantly less experience if you are at a level above your opponents.
  • Through campaign and side quests, you will reach a high level very early if you play at World Level 2.
  • However, you cannot yet unlock world level 3 with tougher opponents.
  • Specifically, this means: If you want to explore more in the campaign than just the main quest – and play at world level 2 – then you quickly outlevel your opponents. The campaign becomes trivial and you have to fight your way through the story for a few more hours before you can finally move on.

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    In a post on Reddit, a user says: At the end of Act 2, he and his friend had already reached level 45. So there are now two more acts in front of them that they have to complete without any significant level progress. You don’t get stronger until the end and you can easily kill all enemies and bosses without any challenge.

    Other players agree and wonder why Blizzard still hasn’t released World Tier 3 for the campaign. The question about this came up earlier because the same problem already existed at the time of release.

    Anyone who completes all the side quests and perhaps explores some more will be at level 50, even at world level 1, well before the end of the campaign. Many players find this to be a certain punishment:

    If you didn’t just skip stuff at launch, the problem already existed there. I did side content and was well over level 50 before I even did the capstone. This was never well designed for anything except rushing the campaign.

    Some users who play the campaign more often out of passion give tips from their experience. They say: This is exactly why they only do the main quest and maybe 1-2 side quests that are along the way.

    It’s annoying for new players to experience stagnation in the middle of the campaign. In general, however, the new season is extremely well received. The changes to the items, the new crafting and, above all, the hellish floods are exactly what fans have been wanting for a year: “Imagine it would be like this since release” – Season 4 delights players because they can simply play
