That’s how long the heat lasts

The heat has taken a firm hold on Sweden and the sun shines more or less every day with high temperatures for the season. TV4’s meteorologist Linda Eriksson says that the summer heat will continue in the coming days and she sees no clear setbacks.

– The summer heat is still in the south with temperatures that are generally between 20-25 degrees next week as well and it looks like there will be mostly sunny days. And after colder air sweeps into the north on Sunday, warmer air looks set to move north again from the middle of next week, cloud cover will vary but it looks like there will be mostly a break, she says.

It gets the warmest here

The heat comes from a high pressure east of us that helps pump warm air from the eastern parts of Europe. It is further down the country that it will be warmest in the coming days, while colder air parks in the north.

– The warm weather continues in southern Sweden, but in the coming days you can count on a little more cloud and local showers may occur. In the north, colder air will enter during Sunday. Here, the temperature will generally be between 10-15 degrees tomorrow, but a lower temperature in the mountains where it will also be windy and there may be snow showers, says Linda Eriksson.

Are there any warnings out there related to the heat?

– The hot and dry weather means that the risk of fire is high around the country. In the south, it is very dry in the forest and land, and the risk of forest fires is high. In snow-free parts in the north, last year’s grass is very dry on the ground and poses a fire risk. In addition, the warm weather is causing rapid snowmelt in the north, causing high flows in many waterways, which in turn can lead to flooding along waterways and lakes.

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