teachers demonstrate against attacks on secularism

teachers demonstrate against attacks on secularism

In Istanbul, Turkey, teachers demonstrated this Saturday, May 18 at the call of the main opposition party, the social-democratic CHP. A gathering to denounce the growing influence, according to them, of power over National Education, particularly its exploitation for political and ideological purposes.

2 mins

With our correspondent in Istanbul, Anne Andlauer

Among the demonstrators in front of Istanbul town hall, in Türkiyethere were of course teachers – active, retired or waiting for a position – but also many Istanbul residents who said they were worried about the future of the school, and therefore, for the future of Turkey .

No to retrograde programs “, we read on the demonstrators’ signs. The new Turkish school programs, which will be applied from the next school year, aim to “ to educate virtuous individuals “. They are full of references to the “ moral “, to ” values “, At ” patriotism » and “ family “.

Yasemin, who has taught in primary schools for more than 20 years, is saddened: “ Every year, the programs move further and further away from secularism. I am absolutely not against religion. But for religion to increasingly permeate our teaching to the detriment of science and secularism is unacceptable. » Another reason for tension: the intervention in schools, since the last school year, of imams as “ spiritual advisors “.

Abolition of secular schools

Yasar, a retired teacher, says President Erdogan wants to abolish the secular school created 100 years ago by the founder of the Republic, Mustafa Kemal Atatürk: “ If you put theologians in schools, which should be reserved for teachers, it is a great loss for the future of this country. Our children no longer learn Atatürk’s principles. Atatürk has even almost disappeared from the programs! »

The debate on the programs, however, highlights deep divisions within the teaching profession. The main union, close to power, conversely calls for more “ religious references », and this from nursery school.

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