This young woman almost died because of a worm that laid eggs in her abdomen

This young woman almost died because of a worm that

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    A 33-year-old woman almost died after a worm laid eggs in her liver. The story of this farmer from Tunisia infected by a parasite is chilling…

    A 33-year-old farmer from Tunisia narrowly escaped death. The young woman was infected by a parasite which settled in her liver. The worm in question eventually laid eggs and caused the organ to rupture, which almost proved fatal. Reported by the DailyMail, his case was the subject of a medical publication in the journal American Journal of Case reports.

    Stomach cramps, jaundice and fever

    After her infection, the young woman developed unusual symptoms. Stomach cramps, fever, yellowing of her skin and eyes… Her symptoms, which did not go away after three days, worried her and she went to the emergency room.

    On site, the results of the first blood tests taken showed a CRP level twenty times higher than normal. C-reactive protein, or CRP, is a marker of inflammation. A CT scan also revealed the presence of hydatid cysts, that is to say located in the liver.

    Liver damage caused by a worm

    Subsequently, doctors discovered that his state of health was due to a tapeworm called Echinococcus granulosus, a worm measuring 2 to 7 mm. The parasite causes a disease called cystic echinococcosis.

    This condition is common in Asia, South America and Africa. Generally, the infection is silent, because it is asymptomatic and is discovered at the time of complications. The most common is severe acute cholangitis.

    Severe acute cholangitis, also known as acute ascending cholangitis, is a potentially fatal bacterial infection of the bile ducts. It is often associated with biliary obstruction, which can be caused by gallstones, tumors, or life-threatening strictures (strictures) of the bile ducts.

    An infection due to his job

    Typically, this type of worm infests animals like goats, cattle or sheep. But in some cases, people working near animals can also be affected.

    Parasite cycle

    The young woman’s profession therefore explains how she could have been infected by this tapeworm. The parasite can be treated with medication but in an emergency, surgical treatment is required. This is what happened to the young woman. After two weeks of treatment, her condition improved and she was able to return home.

    The most surprising human parasites

    Slide: The most surprising human parasites
