Transport strike, last minute live | National Platform follows the truck stoppage

Transport strike last minute live National Platform follows the

The Government considers the claims of the carriers attended

The Minister of Transport, Raquel Sánchez, has considered the claims of the carriers as met who for the past 16 days have supported strikes in protest at the rise in fuel prices, to which encouraged to read carefully the agreement reached last week with the sector.

During an interview in Cuatro, the minister considered that there are no longer reasons to maintain this “minority unemployment” and, although he sees these claims as “legitimate and respectable”has insisted that the Government has been sensitive to the situation caused by the rise in fuel prices and is “attending to all sectors”

In addition, he has ensured that 95% of heavy traffic has been recovered in Spain and the “mercas” are operating “with absolute normality, except for some incident”after a few days in which “many” carriers wanted to work and could not do so due to incidents, threats and violent acts.

To date, he has underlined, one can speak of practically normality because the stoppages are “residual, punctual”.
