Here are the four beauty tips you should absolutely avoid, according to a dermatologist

Here are the four beauty tips you should absolutely avoid

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    On social networks, the Internet or even through word of mouth, beauty tips are everywhere. Some are supposed to be revolutionary, when in reality, they don’t work at all and should even be avoided. Here are the ones.

    It’s easy to find beauty tips on the internet or by scrolling through videos posted by influencers on TikTok or Instagram. But be careful, because some advice should not be followed blindly. In an article for The Health Site, Dr. Shareefa Chause, dermatologist and cosmetologist, recalls the beauty tips that should be avoided at all costs.

    Apply lemon juice to your skin

    The trend towards natural products increasingly pushes us to create treatments with as few ingredients as possible. A trend even advocates lemon juice for the skin, to be applied directly to the face. But this is an error, points out the dermatologist. “Yes, without a doubt, lemon is rich in vitamin C and has some skin lightening properties, but applying it directly to your face is a big mistake. Applying lemon juice directly to your skin can make it sensitive, causing redness and peeling of the skin. she warns.

    Use toothpaste for acne breakouts

    It is not a good idea to apply toothpaste on your face to treat pimples or acne. “Toothpaste is made with various chemicals and is designed to be used only on the teeth and not on the face.” emphasizes Dr. Shareefa Chause. The ingredients it contains, such as fluoride or menthol which can be harsh on the skin and lead to rashes and allergies.

    Using sugar or salt to exfoliate your skin

    Some often tend to forget that exfoliating the skin too harshly with sugar or salt can cause rashes and damage to the epidermis. Besides, exfoliation should not be done daily. “Exfoliation is a process of removing dead cells from your skin using various chemicals. These scrubs can dry out your skin, leading to skin damage, flaky skin, redness, rashes, and itching.” estimates the specialist.

    Using microneedling kits at home

    THE microneedling is a minimally invasive treatment that tightens the skin, making it fresh and smooth” explains the expert. Various brands have started to manufacture microneedling kits at home due to the popularity of this treatment. “It is important to note that these home kits may not give you any extraordinary effects and if not done well, they may cause skin damage and infections. Therefore, it is always advisable individuals to obtain such types of skin treatments from a board-certified dermatologist” concludes the expert.

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