Strong reactions to Nocco’s new taste

Strong reactions to Noccos new taste

Nocco is a company that makes energy drinks. They have many different flavors of their drinks and at each change of season the company usually launches a new flavor in limited edition.

Earlier this spring, Nocco released the summer flavor Berruba, flavored with strawberries and rhubarb.

READ MORE: Customers rage at Nocco: “The ugliest thing I’ve seen”

Nocco releases the new summer flavor San Citro

These days, Nocco released its second new summer flavor, which will only be available as a limited edition during the summer months. It’s a green can and the flavor is called San Citro and is supposed to taste like satsuma and lime.

On the company’s Instagram account, they posted a picture of the new flavor, and customers were quick to give their opinions. It’s a mixed bag of what customers think about the new flavor and the can.

At the time of writing, the post has almost 600 comments where people write their opinion about the new flavor and the appearance of the can.


The question everyone is asking – what is the difference between Nocco and Celsius?

Then you should never drink energy drinks – therefore it can be dangerous

The customers about Nocco’s new taste: “Damn”

There are those who think the can is ugly, and the taste boring. Many also believe that all Nocco’s flavors are similar and that there was nothing that really stood out about this new summer flavor.

“Nocco loves making the same flavors over and over and over again, just changing the design of the can…”.

“The maker of nocco must have lemon as his favorite fruit”.

“Sounds badass. Bring back melon crush”.

The jar creates strong reactions

The jar, which is in shades of green, has also evoked strong reactions. Some find it really ugly, or misleading for what the drink actually tastes like.

“Fuck what a boring taste and ugly jar”.

“Thought it would taste like broccoli”.

Others, on the other hand, think it’s pretty and the drink itself a really good summer drink.


“EYYYYYYY summertime hey hey”.

“BOOM! Incredibly beautiful jar. This with a perfect taste.”.

READ MORE: Swedish doll’s million salary – founded Nocco and Barebells

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