Allergy risk rises to high level in many departments

Allergy risk rises to high level in many departments

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    With the return of the sun in recent days (and before the rain), grass pollen allergies have become widespread in many departments. It’s not time to stop your treatments!

    France sees red on the latest bulletin from the National Aerobiological Surveillance Network (RNSA). At least in almost the entire country, except the North. “The first grass pollens have been there for several weeks on our sensors and the concentrations should increase quickly and become significant in the coming days over a large part of the country” warns the press release. Something to know for all those who suffer from seasonal allergies.

    The return of sunny days… and itchy eyes

    As the bulletin explains, rainfall in late April-early May brought some relief to allergy patients. But they also favored the development of grasses. However, these grasses are “grasses are the herbaceous plants that we see growing along roads, in fields and even sometimes on roundabouts! “Many have a strong allergenic power. This is the case of “timothy, bluegrass, darnel, orchard grass, fescue, grass, rye, oats, wheat…” which cause ocular, nasal or respiratory reactions.

    Towards high concentrations until August

    The return of milder and sunny weather this week of bridges should also raise the risk of allergies by a notch due to the emission “high concentrations of grass pollen in the air”, first in the south and west before affecting the entire country. And the people most affected will have to be patient (and with good treatment) because it should not subside for several months.

    “Until August, we should find grass pollen present throughout France. During this period, episodes of air pollution may exacerbate the symptoms of allergy sufferers. Only rain showers will be able to bring a little respite to allergy sufferers by placing pollens on the ground!”, said the RNSA.

    Helpful Tips to Combat Spring Allergies

    Slide: Helpful Tips for Combating Spring Allergies
