This is what you need to do immediately if you get hacked

This is what you need to do immediately if you

Scams and hacked accounts on social media have become increasingly common. And once you’ve had your account hacked, it can be hard to get it back.

There are ways to protect yourself from hackers before the bad luck comes. This can be, for example, by choosing a strong password. But despite that, you can still fall victim to hackers. And once the damage is done, you need to be both prepared and quick, so you can get your account back.

News24 have talked to Måns Jonassoninternet security expert at the Internet Foundation, who tells you what to do if your account gets hacked.

How to tell if your account has been hacked

It can often be difficult to know if your account has been hacked. It is very common that you do not notice anything at all at first.

– The first warning sign is that friends and acquaintances get in touch because they have received shady messages from your account, or seen strange posts from you. Other signs may be that you notice strange activity on your account, such as being logged out of all devices and having to log in again, says Jonasson.

Different social media. Photo: Janerik Henriksson/TT

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This is what you must do if you get hacked

When you notice that your account has been hacked, you need to act quickly. Then the first thing you need to do is restore the account.

– If the hackers have had enough time, it may happen that they have changed the password on your account so that you cannot log in yourself. Then you have to reset the password and get the option to create a new one via your email.

He continues:

– Once you’re back in your account, you should first of all change your password immediately, and then find the list of logged-in devices that are in your account. There you can kick out all logged-in computers or mobile phones that are not yours.


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