Cannes Film Festival 2024: “masterpiece” or “disaster”… Coppola’s Megalopolis divides critics

Cannes Film Festival 2024 masterpiece or disaster… Coppolas Megalopolis divides

10:07 – Linternaute’s review of Megalopolis

We were present at the screening of Megalopolis at the Cannes Film Festival. And if we were impatient to discover the new film by Francis Ford Coppola which sincerely aroused our curiosity, we were extremely disappointed. The writing is pompous, the direction heavy and sometimes frankly out of date (despite some flashes here and there), the writing of the characters, especially female, archaic, to the point that for a film which claims to be futuristic, it is already dated. Our full review can be found below.

09:33 – Francis Ford Coppola’s latest film divides critics

Expected to be the event film of this 77th edition, Megalopolis, Francis Ford Coppola’s latest film, did not receive the unanimous and enthusiastic reception that one might have expected. Many critics said they were extremely “disappointed” (20 minutes) by the proposal from the filmmaker who had been carrying out this project for almost 40 years. For Jérôme Lachasse of BFM TV, “it’s a disaster”, when Le Figaro says “fall asleep standing up” in front of the film. The specialized media Cinemateaser sees the film as “already out of date. A bloated and bloated film whose rare flashes never save a company totally reclusive in itself and without safeguards”. Some media are however won over, like Le Monde which is more lenient and describes the film as “an overflowing fresco, an incredible civilizational treatise on town planning, history, philosophy, politics, at the same time as a pulp serial led with a beating drum. For Deadline, it is a “crazy and modern masterpiece”.

09:02 – New day on the Croisette

After the screening of the very controversial Megalopolis last night, the Cannes Film Festival slowly recovered from its emotions to begin a new day of competition. The jury chaired by Greta Gerwig will discover two new films in competition today, and many stars are once again expected to parade on the Croisette during the day.
