Valtteri Bottas trusts that his F1 career will continue | Sport

Valtteri Bottas trusts that his F1 career will continue

The F1 season continues this week in Imola.

Sauber’s Finnish driver Valtteri Bottas considers it very likely that his career will continue next season in the F1 series.

– There is no one hundred percent certainty in this sport. I don’t have a signed contract yet, so I can’t say one hundred percent, Bottas answered on Thursday when asked how likely he thinks he will continue in Formula One.

Is the probability greater than 77 percent?

– More than that, Bottas driving number 77 answered the follow-up question.

Sauber’s F1 team will officially change to Audi for the 2026 season. Bottas’ current contract ends at the end of the current season. Sauber recently announced the German Nico Hülkenberg’s driver’s contract for the next season. Hülkenberg’s contract is multi-year, so he is also seen as an Audi driver.

Bottas said on Thursday that he doesn’t think Sauber will make a quick decision about Hülkenberg’s future driver pair. Also Bottas’ teammate Zhou Guanyun the current contract ends this season.

Bottas believes in Leijon

Sauber’s F1 season has been difficult, as the team is without World Championship points. In the first races of the season, the team’s crowning glory was, among other things, failed pit stops.

– In the most recent events, we have made progress in pit stops, Bottas reminded.

The F1 season continues this week in Imola, Italy, with the Emilia-Romagna GP. This is the seventh competition of the season. Emilia-Romagna gp had to be canceled last year due to heavy rains and floods.

Sauber is scheduled to introduce new updates to its cars at Imola. Bottas believes the team is going in the right direction after a weak early season.

– The beginning of the year has not really been great. We have to start scoring points now, there are no excuses, Bottas said.

The Finnish striker is also known as a hockey fan, and in Imola he was asked about the ongoing men’s World Cup.

– The games are becoming more interesting all the time, Bottas said and said that he was confident in the Lions’ gold chances in the Czech World Cup tournament.
