Benjamin Ingrosso about Hans Wahlgren’s funeral

Benjamin Ingrosso about Hans Wahlgrens funeral

The actor and the television profile Hans Wahlgren fell asleep on Friday, May 10, at home in Lagnö. He was surrounded by his family and closest relatives.

Hans Wahlgren was 86 years old and died after a period of illness.

Hans Wahlgren is dead – he was 86 years old

Christina Schollin on her husband’s death: “The grief is endless”

Hans Wahlgren was married to the actor Christina Schollin. The couple already met at the age of 19 and had been married since 1962. News24 has previously written about Christina’s first words about Hans Wahlgren’s death.

In an Instagram post, she described the sadness, but also took the opportunity to thank them for the time they had together and for the nice big family they created together.

“My beloved life partner. Since we were 19 years old. The grief is endless,” she wrote, among other things, on her Instagram.

Christina Schollin’s first words about Hans Wahlgren’s death: “The grief is endless”

Christina Schollin was close to death: “Bleeding out”

Now Hans Wahlgren’s grandchildren have Benjamin Ingrosso told about the last time with his grandfather Hans Wahlgren, and how he will remember him,

– It has been very tough, of course. Everyone has had jobs that we have had to adapt to. I’ve been on tour, and while I had a gap off I went home and was with him for an hour. Then I went on tour again. They have tried to find gaps to spend as much time as possible with him, says Benjamin Ingrosso The Express.

The grandchildren’s words after Hans Wahlgren’s death: “Our hero”

“I’ve cried so much”

When Hans Wahlgren fell asleep, he was among the family and the closest relatives in his and Christina’s house on Lagnö. After the death, the family stayed in the house and mourned Hans together.

– So much love, I can’t even understand. I’ve cried so much, but it’s actually been a lot of joy. An incredible amount of sadness, but actually a lot of love and joy, says Benjamin Ingrosso The Express.

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That’s how Hans Wahlgren’s funeral will be

When and where Hans Wahlgren will be buried is not yet clear. But the family wants to honor Hans and his wishes. The funeral will therefore be bright and joyful.

– We will make it so joyful and happy and beautiful. Grandfather didn’t want it to be depressing, says Benjamin Ingrosso The Express.
