Viewers want to wash Rooble after the words of Robinson 2024

Viewers want to wash Rooble after the words of Robinson

Robinson 2024 is in full swing and the season has delivered to the fullest, to say the least.

Now the participants who remain on the island have started to approach finals week and are therefore fighting tooth and nail to stay on. Sunday’s episode has caused social media to boil over as two major viewer favorites were forced to leave, viz Pelle Flood and Gustav Jacobson.

I stopped watching Robinson 2024 – because of these two

Many viewers have threatened to boycott and stop watching as the guys have become such strong characters in the show.

In has instead Alexander Strandberg came after winning Gränslandet. And stirred the pot – he has indeed done that.

During Monday’s episode, there was a competition – which Alexander won.

But something that took place during the competition has now caused the viewers to react.

It sparked strong feelings for Rooble Gedi. Image source: TV4

When the participants were to put together a puzzle, strong emotions flared up for Rooble Gedi, who had difficulty getting it all done.

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After a few tries, he uttered the words: “F*tta” and then kept trying.

And as already mentioned, it did not escape the viewers.

“What kind of policy do they have?”. Image source: TV4

One of the viewers questioned whether it was all ok to say on TV and the comment has at the time of writing received over 100 likes. Some also compared the whole thing with other things that were said which in turn resulted in participants having to leave.

The production has previously commented on the whole thing and profanity/swear words are generally nothing that causes participants to be sent home, but then it should apply to incitement against a ethnic group or the like.

Charlie Wiberg was ejected from Robinson

Over the years, a number of participants have been forced to leave the program. And always it is not without friction from the viewers.

In 2023, the presenter stepped up Petra “Pam” Malm up on the beach to talk to Charlie Wiberg. Charlie had actually shouted “slut” to Wilmer Tuoremaa.

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Charlie Wiberg in Robinson 2023. Image source: TV4

– Maybe you know why I’m here Charlie?, said Petra.

– No, no idea, actually, he replied.

– You have said an insult to Wilmer and need to leave Robinson immediately.

– Ok, replied Charlie shortly.

After the incident, viewers were divided into two camps. Some felt it was wrong for Charlie to leave as they felt “many participants said much worse things”. This while others thought it was absolutely right that he was allowed to leave the island.

You can read more about the incident on Robinson Island here.
