“red hands” tagged on the “Wall of the Righteous” – L’Express

red hands tagged on the Wall of the Righteous –

Tags representing “red hands” were sprayed Monday evening on the “Wall of the Righteous” outside the Shoah Memorial in Paris, the president of the Representative Council of Jewish Institutions of France (Crif) was outraged on Tuesday. Yonathan Arfi.

“Last night, blood-red hands were painted on the Wall of the Righteous at the Shoah Memorial,” wrote Yonathan Arfi in a message posted on the social network plaques listing the names of the Righteous who saved these Jews during World War II.

READ ALSO: The convenient ignorance of pro-Palestinian demonstrators regarding the symbolism of “red hands”

“Whatever the perpetrators, this degradation of the Shoah Memorial, symbol of the bloody hands of the terrorists who lynched two Israeli soldiers in October 2000, resonates like a hateful rallying cry against the Jews,” adds the president of Crif who judges “abject” this tag.

The Wall of the Righteous, located in the alley adjoining the Memorial, bears the names of more than 3,900 men and women who, at the risk of their lives, contributed to the rescue of Jews in France during the war, recalls the Memorial on its website.

These people have received the title of “Righteous Among the Nations”, awarded by the Yad Vashem Memorial Museum in Jerusalem since 1963.
