The Choose France summit gives pride of place to artificial intelligence

The Choose France summit gives pride of place to artificial

Monday May 13, 180 bosses were received at the Palace of Versailles for the seventh edition of the Choose France summit, which aims to encourage foreign bosses to invest in the country. The Élysée announces a record harvest: 56 investment projects for a total amount of 15 billion euros. At the heart of investments this year, the AI ​​sector.

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A factory for assembling electric planes, a new rare earth production site, or even new production lines for pharmaceutical laboratories… If projects have been announced everywhere, one sector has particularly driven investments: that of ‘artificial intelligence.

For good reason, there is first of all this billion euros invested by Amazon, with 3,000 jobs at stake and the promise, among other things, of accelerating on thegenerative artificial intelligence. “ The choice of France for Amazon is not new. And today new activities like AI require, so we are going to support the family of startups that use it », Points out Frédéric Duval, general manager of the group in France.

Read also“Choose France”: the Élysée announces a record edition for this 7th meeting

Four billion euros for data centers

But the biggest envelope comes from Microsoft: 4 billion euros to develop data centers in France and thus meet the growing demands of AI. Bruno Le Maire, Minister ofEconomyspecifies that he “ you have to have these investments to stay in the race in the 21st century “. According to him, ” investors choose France because it has an economic policy and is ready to embrace the technological and climate revolution “.

But by rolling out the red carpet too much for the American giants, be careful not to prevent the development of French AI champions, experts warn. Because this technological revolution is also a matter of sovereignty…

Read alsoMicrosoft’s investments, a symbol of France’s attractiveness for tech giants?
