the reasons for a mixed success – L’Express

how to choose the ideal contract – LExpress

The challenge was daring, five years ago, with the Pacte law, to create a single system dedicated to retirement. The retirement savings plan (PER), which comes in three formats, nevertheless seems to find its audience. According to Bercy, at the end of 2023, it crossed the threshold of 10 million holders and 100 billion euros in assets. “This reinforces the dynamics of the PER, which has been a real success since its launch in October 2019,” welcomes Bruno Le Maire, the Minister of the Economy. In detail, plans subscribed to individually represent 58% of outstanding amounts, while the two versions dedicated to employees still only weigh 43 billion euros.

In addition, a good part of these sums relate to transfers from old products such as Article 83 contracts or popular retirement savings plans (Perp). “The results over the next few years will allow us to assess the real dynamism of this product,” said Philippe Crevel, director of the Savings Circle. Because the road still remains long. The National Chamber of Financial Expert Advice points out that retirement savings only represent 5% of household financial assets.

READ ALSO: Retirement: how to find the PER that suits you

According to the latter, “the PER only serves half of the French population subject to income tax”, due to the tax advantage granted on payments. Other obstacles highlighted: competition from regulated savings accessible to all, and the difficulty of SMEs in offering collective products to their employees.
