Jannok has stood alone on stage in Nomad: “Hard to drive alone”

At the beginning of March, the performance “Nomad” with Sofia Jannok and Salamanca Taikon Gonzalez premiered.

Having traveled the country and kingdom since then, the show has recently encountered some obstacles. The two performances in Malmö last week were canceled when Salamanca Taikon Gonzalez was ill.

In order not to have to cancel even more, it has been solved by having Sofia Jannok also play the role of Taikon Gonzalez on stage together with the flamenco guitarist Robert Svärd.

– It is of course difficult to drive by yourself. What has been so funny is that we have both told about the Nomad perspective from two sides, but now I have to tell her part as well, says Jannok to SVT Sápmi.

“Miss her very much”

Last Saturday was the fifth time that Jannok stood alone on stage when there was a performance in Tidaholm.

– The audience has received us and our stories so nicely and not just now when I’m driving myself but the whole tour. I also try to tell from the Roma perspective, what Salamanca and her family have been through, both the good and the bad. I try to honor the life stories as best I can, but of course I miss her very much, says Jannok.

On Tuesday, the tour continues to Gothenburg, where it ends with a total of 13 performances, and then Salamanca Taikon Gonzalez will be back on stage.
