Max moves after the reveal – takes down commercial

Max moves after the reveal – takes down commercial

This week, Aftonbladet was able to reveal that Max Hamburger’s sustainability project has given rise to famine in Uganda. After the disclosure, Max themselves set up an independent investigation into the climate project.

Max mocks McDonalds in new advertising campaign

News24 has previously written about the requirement that came into effect on January 1, 2024. The requirement is that Swedish entrepreneurs must offer their customers reusable packaging, something that also includes the chain Max.

Despite the new provision, Max has not been able to get many customers to choose multi-use packaging, something they then claimed was due to the customers themselves.

READ MORE: Max blames the fiasco on the customers: “We don’t think that people..”

Photo: Hasse Holmberg/TT.Max takes down commercial film: “Rimligt”

After Aftonbladet’s disclosure, in a further step they have taken down a commercial where they explain the climate compensation that the company was dealing with.

In the clipped commercial, it is mentioned that Max has been praised by none other than the United Nations for his work with tree planting. The commercial depicted several young people in a skate park eating hamburgers from the fast food chain.

Max Hamburger breaks the law – wanted to help his customers

Photo: Mats Schagerström/TT.

In an email to Aftonbladet, Max writes that it was deemed “reasonable” to take down the film after the information about the project was published.

– We take Aftonbladet’s information very seriously. Given the ongoing discussion, we deemed it reasonable to take down the film from all platforms, says Henric Byströmpress manager at Max, to the newspaper.

DO NOT MISS: The fast food giant is looking for gamers – here’s why
