Super bonus, split majority: Tajani-Giorgetti controversy

Superbonus Confartigianato Limited opening for earthquake areas But trouble awaits

(Finance) – Tension is rising in the majority while the Senate Finance Committee awaitsgovernment amendment announced by the Minister of Economy, Giancarlo Giorgetti, to the super bonus decree. The Commission will meet again on Tuesday at 9.30 am and the deadline for sub-amendments expires at 6 pm on Monday 13 May. At the center is the installment of credits over 10 years which will concern the financial year 2024. The text also extends the possibility of credit transfer to other territories that have suffered earthquakes or floods but with a ceiling, a spending ceiling it will also be foreseen for interventions on third sector properties. Some changes will concern the remission to performing status for files that have had important but material errors, such as transmission or compilation errors. A rule will also be introduced in the decree, examined in detail by the Commission, aimed at involving the Municipalities in field checks of the superbonus construction sites with a compensation for the entities of around 50% of what is recovered. Another amendment, which will bear the rapporteur’s signature – according to what we understand – will contain an interpretative rule that defines the intervention by the Revenue Agency in line with the Taxpayer’s Statute.

But, after the alarm launched by banks and companies which quantify the jobs involved at at least 16 billion, theobligation to spread the Superbonus credits over 10 years it also splits the majority. “I have some doubts about the retroactivity of the latest proposal from the Minister of Economy Giancarlo Giorgetti – commented the deputy prime minister and foreign minister Antonio Tajani speaking to the audience of the Family Business Forum in Lecco -. As Forza Italia we want to listen to businesses and banks to understand if there is any damage or if we need to intervene in Parliament to make proposals, without prejudice to the indispensable intervention to stop the damage of the super bonus.” Tajani also showed doubts about the passage of repayments from four-five to ten years: “maybe they are too many”.

“Wait for the lyrics, not the fantasies” was the response of Minister of Economy and Finance Giancarlo Giorgetti, on the sidelines of a meeting organized by Confindustria Lombardia and Politics on Europe. “Wait for the amendment, we are talking about fantasies that I read in the newspapers, on sites that I don’t know. You say so”, he added in response to reporters who asked him for a comment on the amendment to the Superbonus expected from the executive. “I too am in the interest of the Italians. It is a proposal from Giorgetti, it is not a proposal from the government, because I have never been consulted. We will evaluate the contents – he replied Tajani –. I want to see the text, but there is no controversy. Only one can have doubts, because if it is a collective decision, but an individual decision, it is evaluated and discussed.”

There Mef line is to limit the rule to expenses incurred in the 2024 financial year: therefore a “limited” retroactivity. Not enough, however, to alleviate businesses’ concerns. The ANCE, on the basis of Giorgetti’s declarations in Parliament according to which the amendment is aimed at recovering at least 2.4 billion in 2025-2026, estimates that “at least 16 billion jobs currently in progress” will be affected. To understand that 110% was “a disaster for public finances”, we didn’t have to wait until the spring of 2024, observes the president of the Abi Antonio Patuelli, who doesn’t like the fact that we have to “pay taxes retroactively, without legal certainty”. Federcostruzioni predicts “very heavy damage” to the supply chain. And theUnion of small property owners it estimates that 80% of condominiums are at risk of litigation.
