Eco-anxiety: three out of four French people worry about their health

Eco anxiety three out of four French people worry about their

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    According to a new survey, the French are feeling a growing sense of eco-anxiety. In particular, 90% of them are concerned about the link between the consequences of the climate crisis and its impact on their health.

    The survey carried out by the Fondation Santé Environnement de La Mutuelle Familiale (FSEMF) highlights the concerns related to environmental health, a subject that is still too little addressed when it comes to questioning the French on their perception of the climate crisis.

    According to the results of this survey, the French are perfectly aware of the link between climate change and the deleterious effects on our health: 89% point to the evidence of the impact of the environment on health.

    Pollution, pesticides, toxoplasmosis, antibiotic resistance… An overwhelming majority (90%) of French people are convinced by the principle of “One Health“(“one health”), i.e. the idea that there is a close relationship between human health, animal health and that of ecosystems. Three quarters of those surveyed also explained that they felt eco-anxiety And for almost one in two, this concern has increased since the arrival of the pandemic.

    Anxiety clearly amplified by the lack of knowledge on these complex subjects: 45% of French people explain that they would like to know more about environmental health issues, but that they do not know where to find the information (26%) or lack the time (33%) to do so. Same story with 56% of parents, especially among those with young children.

    Among the avenues envisaged for better management of environmental health in our country, 88% of French people questioned mention the social protection system. One out of two professionals in the medical-social sector even consider it a “priority”, although 48% fear at the same time that our health system will not be “capable of managing diseases caused by the environment in the years to come”. .
