TV chef Steffen Henssler shoots against jungle camp “stars”

TV chef Steffen Henssler shoots against jungle camp stars

TV chef Steffen Henssler is known for culinary delights, but also for his sharp tongue. It’s not the first time the 51-year-old has expressed his opinion bluntly on television. Now he shoots sharply against the reality TV scene and expresses why he chooses formats like I’m a Celebrity – Get Me Out of Here! could no longer inspire.

Steffen Henssler is one of the most popular chefs on German television; his show Grill den Henssler is now in its 20th season on VOX. Even though the professional comes up with creative cooking ideas, fans seem to love one thing about him in particular: he always speaks plainly and is not particularly squeamish about handing out criticism. He proves in his own show that even TV colleagues are not safe from his harsh words.

Henssler deals against jungle camp and co

In the current episode Grill den Henssler from May 5th The quick-witted chef talks a lot about reality TV formats. He states that shows like the jungle camp are no longer as interesting as they used to be. The main reason for this is the current group of participants, who, according to Henssler, do not have the necessary star qualities. quoted via teleschau:

There used to be people you knew from TV and whom you got to know privately in the most unusual situations. Now it’s just people who have 20,000 Instagram followers hanging out on Love Island fuck me islands.

He also criticizes the fact that candidates for the jungle camp etc. are mainly cast from a pool of influencers who go from show to show:

These are some honks, which change from one format to another. They don’t really care where they are, they only live for that.

More TV news:

Does Henssler have a future as a jungle camp star?

However, the TV chef also finds conciliatory words. He emphasizes that reality TV formats are extremely successful and points out that one day it could get him too: “In five years, maybe I’ll be there myself and say ‘Please, please, jungle’!” Only time will tell whether the professional actually wants to move into the jungle himself one day.
