Watch the first scene where time is frozen

Watch the first scene where time is frozen

There are few greater living Hollywood legends than Francis Ford Coppola. The director of The Godfather and Apocalypse Now wants to release his first film in 13 years in 2024. From the sci-fi epic Megalopolis is now available to see a first excerpt.

Check out the first scene from Megalopolis in English here:

Megalopolis – First Look (English) HD

A sci-fi epic in which time can stand still? That’s what Megalopolis is all about

Megalopolis revolves around the visionary artist Cesar Catilina (Star Wars actor Adam Driver), who creates his city New Rome want to reconceptualize it as a brilliant utopia. He has found an opponent in Mayor Franklyn Cicero (Giancarlo Esposito), who wants to maintain an unscrupulous system of greed for power, corruption and guerrilla warfare. Cicero’s daughter and Catiline’s lover Julia (Nathalie Emmanuel) stands between the two men.

As the first glimpse shows, Coppola’s film is not about boring urban politics. Catiline climbs out of the window of a gigantic skyscraper, seems to want to jump and finally stops time before he falls into the depths. It is not clear whether this is a simulation or whether the story presents time manipulation as a sci-fi technology.

When is Megalopolis coming to the cinema?

Megalopolis currently has no exact start date yet in German cinemas, but is scheduled to be released in 2024. The film will have its world premiere at the Cannes Film Festival in mid-May. 23 years ago, Coppola failed with the sci-fi project and rewrote the script 300 times.

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We’re taking a first look back at the streaming year 2024 and introducing you to the five best streaming films that have been released on Netflix, Amazon and Co. to date.

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