Always do this when collecting parcels

Always do this when collecting parcels

Working at an Ica store in most cases means that you meet hundreds of customers every day who come into the store to buy different types of food. In the majority of stores, the areas of responsibility are clearly divided and there are some responsible for dairy, some for vegetables, some for charcuterie/deli and so on.

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Many of us shop weekly at Ica. Image source: Amir Nabizadeh/TT

But many stores also have a postal section where customers can send and collect packages as well as pick up letters and other things. And in certain periods there is, of course, a little more to do on the postal side than usual.

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For example, at Christmas when people both order and send parcels to a greater extent, queues can easily form inside the mail section, which can be troublesome for both customers and staff.

It also happens several times a day that customers have to pick up packages for someone else – but that the ID requirement then puts a damper on the wheel.

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However, there is a trick that not all customers know about, which simplifies your visit to the post office immensely.

The ICA manager reveals the clever trick with bankID

Many people recognize that after work you run a little half-sweaty to Ica to pick up packages from the store’s postman. The queue is winding, the staff are struggling and everything feels like it’s taking forever.

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A store manager at a well-visited Ica in Stockholm tells News24 that there is a trick that more people should use. Both to reduce queuing but also to avoid being sent home without a package when you have to collect for others.

Do you also prefer to avoid long queues when you pick up packages? Image source: Fredrik Sandberg/TT

– Something people don’t seem to know about is that you can sign your package with bankID on the postnord app before you stand first in the queue with 12 packages, all of which must be signed one at a time, he says.

– The same thing really applies if you have a partner or family member who will stop by the shop. If you have a package that you would like to see picked up, you can sign it on your app. After you’ve signed, you can send the QR code to whoever you want to pick up the package, then there’s no need to play as it’s all already signed and approved by you, says the store manager.

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Worth considering!
