Found many new features on the way for Instagram

Found many new features on the way for Instagram

The most important platform under the umbrella of Meta Instagram Many new features have been found to be on the way. Here are the prominent innovations;

Deep dives into beta versions of popular software Alessandro Paluzzinot yet available Instagram continues to find features. According to Paluzzi’s shock discoveries, the popular platform is working on systems to reply to shared Stories with photos and voicemail. It is found that it will add categories to personal profiles that will bring together special content shared for paid subscribers. Instagram, it also develops an infrastructure for people to share content via QR code. The platform, which is preparing to offer the Story liking system on the web version as well as on the mobile, will disappear after a while. “don’t react” is also preparing to launch the system.

A new one for direct messages “Coachella” The chat theme is among his new works found by Paluzzi, which he prepared. Instagram, can make all these newly found features available in 1-2 months. Paluzzi cannot give a clear date on this issue, but it takes 60 days for many of the features it shows to appear. Firm before general exit ccarries out iddi beta tests.

Last week, the platform returned to the platform in chronological order. In the new period, the company offers people two different options, “Following” and “Favourites”. When “Following” is selected here, the latest content from the followed accounts will be displayed in order of sharing.


When “Favorites” is selected, the content from the accounts added to the favorites (the upper limit is 50 for now) is displayed at the front. Favorites can also be viewed on a separate streaming page if desired. The new era is soon being activated for everyone.

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