HIV: the Covid epidemic has upset the care of the most precarious

HIV the Covid epidemic has upset the care of the

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    On the occasion of the three days of mobilization against HIV / AIDS organized by Sidaction, on March 25, 26 and 27, Doctissimo chooses to return to the impact of the Covid-19 epidemic on that of HIV / AIDS. Two epidemics which will have affected the most precarious more significantly, according to Sandrine Fournier, director of the research and association funding division of Sidaction.

    The latest figures on the HIV epidemic may not be the most comprehensive, due to the pandemic we are experiencing and the difficulty we have experienced in tracing information” immediately explains Sandrine Fournier, director of the research and association funding division of Sidaction “but there are 4,856 people who would have discovered their HIV status in 2020, a decrease of 22% compared to 2019. At the same time, screenings fell by 14%, which clearly shows that the figures do not reflect the true situation”.

    The fear of a rebound in the figures

    Underestimated figures, declining screening… So many elements which were caused by the Covid-19 pandemic and which raise fears of a rebound in the number of sick people in the years to come. “The level of HIV diagnosis has also dropped in the group of people born abroad, who have had more difficulty accessing care with the crisis, or even regularizing their situation. explains Sandrine Fournier.

    Follow-up appointments less respected

    And for people who have discovered themselves to be HIV-positive in 2020, appointments with the infectious disease specialist have sometimes been postponed. “We noticed that the first appointment was honoured, but it usually takes place shortly after the announcement of the disease. People don’t understand everything, they are still “stunned” by what is happening to them” adds the director of the research and association funding division of Sidaction. Hence the need to have other appointments, for a follow-up of the disease, but also a good assimilation of the treatments. “Among people newly infected in 2020, their second appointment with the infectious disease specialist was often canceled, even though it is essential for treatment compliance..

    The importance of association support

    The most precarious, affected by HIV, have been upset by the arrival of the pandemic. “This completely turned the lives of thousands of people upside down, who found themselves abandoned overnight: I am thinking of foreigners, sex workers, people in precarious situations, newcomers… They were afraid to go in the hospital, received almost no help from the public authorities” adds Sandrine Fournier who would like to salute the “tremendous work of the associations which have delivered thousands of meals to them, helped them with administrative procedures, for psychological support…”.

    To donate:

    • By phone at 110, the donation line. 110 is open throughout the Sidaction period and will remain open until April 23 for people who still wish to make a donation.
    • Online at Donating online (secure payment) is faster and more economical.
    • By SMS to 92 110: if you want to make a donation by SMS, send the word “DON” to 92 110. A donation of €5 will be donated to Sidaction.
