Rowdy Walborg celebration in Hoppbacken Enskedefältet

Rowdy Walborg celebration in Hoppbacken Enskedefaltet

Updated 22.39 | Published 22.04



A thousand or so young people have gathered in Hoppbacken at Enskedefältet.

Now the police are urging parents to contact their children and take them home.

“There is an extremely high level of intoxication,” writes the police officer Globen on Instagram.

The Walpurgis celebration in the Hopbacken at Enskedefältet has derailed.

On Instagram, the police are now urging parents who know they have children there to contact them and take them home.

It is described as “extremely high degree of intoxication”.

“The majority of police patrols work at the scene with disturbances, drunkenness, drugs and violent crimes,” writes the police Globen on Instagram.

– There seem to be many people there and many who are drunk, says Nadya Norton, press spokesperson for the police.
