measures on immigration, but not only

measures on immigration but not only

ZEMMOUR PROGRAM. The Reconquest candidate! has certainly made immigration its hobbyhorse, but what does it offer in terms of the economy, purchasing power or the environment?

Candidate for the first time in the presidential election, Éric Zemmour unveiled his program for 2022 in mid-March. If the fight against immigration occupies a large place, the leader of Reconquête! also had to position itself on other subjects such as pensions, purchasing power or even the energy transition. The main axes of the presidential project of the polemicist are exposed on the candidate’s campaign website.

  • In the field of‘immigration that he constantly evokes, the polemicist says he wants to put an end to the jus soli and stop or limit all the flows whether they are justified by family reunification or the right of asylum. A major point of its policy is the “return of undesirable foreigners”, either illegal immigrants and delinquents or criminals.
  • Mocked for his weaknesses ineconomythe former journalist says he is in favor of the retirement at age 64, the introduction of 39 hours in the public service or the massive reduction in production taxes. He also advocates the creation of a large Ministry of Industry to direct public orders towards French companies and makes the reindustrialization of the country a priority.
  • On the issue of wages, Éric Zemmour proposes a reduction in the CSG from 9% to 2.5% for wages between the minimum wage and 2,000 euros net and says he is against a return of the ISF. For the purchasing powerthe candidate wants to return to “the universality of family allowances” and “exempt overtime from taxes and social charges”.
  • For’environment and energy transition, Éric Zemmour wants to ban new wind projects and freeze existing ones, then redirect efforts and public support towards thermal renewable energies. To limit the artificialization and pollution of the soil, he plans to “prohibit the construction of new large surfaces and commercial areas”.
  • Among the other proposals hammered home by the candidate are the return to 90km/h and the wearing of school uniforms. On the Covid, he says he is opposed to the vaccination pass which he wishes to repeal. The nationalist candidate spoke briefly about European politics and argues for national sovereignty over European law.
