Eliminate acid spits – What do the giant beetles look like and how do you flatten them?

In Helldivers 2 there are enemies called “Acid Spitters”. You can find out what these look like and how you can eliminate them on MeinMMO.

How do you recognize acid spewers?

  • Acid Spiers are large terminids with a dark green body. This body is filled with a caustic acid, which is why they are very fat and bloated in appearance.
  • The corrosive acid is located in the bloated part of the body; it is, so to speak, the beetle’s acid reservoir.
  • On the sides of the acid reservoir, where it is very expanded due to the amount of acid inside, a bright yellow-green color shimmers through.
  • The acid spitters first appeared in the world of Helldivers 2 following toxic chemical leaks on the E-710 farms.
  • Here you can see a picture of the acid spewer:

    This is what the acid spewers look like in Helldivers 2.

    What can the acid spewer do? As the name suggests, the Acid Spitter can spit dangerous acid. Even from several meters away, it spits the corrosive substance at you precisely, causing noticeable damage.

    However, because the acid spewer’s body is large, expansive, and pumped full of acid, it moves very slowly and sluggishly.

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    What’s the best way to fight the acid spewer? Since the giant beetle’s acid attack can cause a lot of damage, you should keep moving as it prepares its attack. The attack then occurs in a very straight line, which is why you can reliably avoid it if you run in circles around the acid spout. If in doubt, you have to jump out of the way.

    On the first levels of difficulty, the acid spewers do not have an armored outer skin, which is why you can reliably defeat them with a hail of bullets in the face or with a shot from the one-time anti-tank device. The rocket launcher is also good for breaking the armor of a beetle. On higher difficulty levels, the front of the acid spout is protected, then you have to shoot the weak point at the rear of the Terminid.

    Caution: The acid spout can explode if you kill it by shooting at the back, the acid reservoir, and damage you or your team members with the acid it spreads.

    You should avoid using a flamethrower when fighting the acid spewer. Behind the flames it is sometimes difficult to see whether the acid spewer is preparing its attack. In addition, you are not very mobile with the flamethrower and the damage is limited against the acid spewer. There’s a good chance you’ll take a spit attack while happily setting the area on fire.

    Eliminating the Acid Spitter can be a daily order in Helldivers 2. You then have to look for missions/operations in which you can encounter acid spewers and take out some of them.

    The Striker, another tall Terminid, can also become the target of a daily command. Here you can find out how best to face the armored adversary: ​​Helldivers 2: Kill strikers – This is how you defeat the creatures solo
