‘s expert Topi Nättinen covered the most important events of the dramatic fourth Finnish Hockey Championship final. Tappara claimed a 4–3 victory over Lahti in the overtime.
Expert Top Nättinen not surprised that before Friday, after six more scoreless games About Anton Levtchi hatched in Lahti with an incredible hat trick, Tappara’s number one hero.
1) Anton Levtchi and the events of Tappara’s winning goal
– Anton Levtchin the potential has been known to everyone. In my opinion, he has still kept his composure, even though it has been difficult and there have been no results. Now he was able to forge pucks from the back post into the backpack from good passes from his teammates.
– Big points for Tappara’s coaching that the chains were modified in such a way that Brother Matti Savinainen was brought Levtchin and Otto Sompin alongside. I believe that this move opened up Levtchi’s playing, Nättinen noted.
The quick 4–3 deciding hit in the extra set was preceded by a controversial situation in the central area, where Tapparan Otto Somppi prevented the puck-less Pelicans Lubos Horkya, who collapsed in the situation. This opened up a three-to-two advantage for Tappara, who Nick Baptiste did not fail to use.
– Obvious blocking. In the regular season, it would certainly have been whistled. It was a clear cut, Pelicans pilot Tommi Niemelä criticized Iltalehte.
Nättinen felt that the Pelicans were sloppy in their own play in that midfield situation, but admitted that in the regular season game, Sompi’s block could very well have been a hit.
– In the 4–3 winning goal scored by Nick Baptiste, Savinainen’s moving mask was so perfect that it didn’t Niklas Koko the one left burns, even though it unfortunately bounced through the fin to the goal. “Vellu” Savinainen is the player of these final games, because he scores power points and also small, important things, the expert praised.
15.26 2–0 Utunen (Kral, Schnarr)
44.19 2–1 Levtchi (Somppi, Savinainen)
50.35 2–2 Levtchi (Tanus, Kontiola) yv
55.42 2–3 Levtchi (Somppi,Savinainen)
59.20 3–3 Haatanen (Kral, Horky) im
60.48 3–4 Baptiste (Savinainen, Kemiläinen)
Total 7+ 6+ 13+ 0= 26
Heljanko 9+ 6+ 2 + 0= 17
2) The Pelicans’ extraordinary slump
– I haven’t seen a slump like the Pelicans’ in the third period, especially when we go this far into the finals. The job is completely under control, the cabin is full on Friday and a 2–0 lead in a charming home hall, Nättinen updated even after the match.
– At that point, the Pelicans didn’t manage to unload pucks even through the glass into the middle area, let alone unload them properly into the rim. Confounding paralysis!
Even though the home team had a bad meltdown, there were a couple of big surprises in its ranks. Striker Aleks Haatanen played the first 15 playoff games of the spring with binoculars, but was eager to score two goals in the 4th final. Both Haatanen and the Czech defender Filip Kral (0+3) reached a handsome +3 in the power statistic in the losing game.
– Up against one of the toughest teams in Europe and at least the toughest team in Finland, which has the ability to turn any match into a match at any time, Nättinen said and partly understood the game-like stomach of the bay club in the third set.
– I have to take my hat off to Tappara, when he gets up after messing up the second batch like this. It’s the beauty of big teams that you can win, even though you’ve played poorly for 40 minutes, praised the expert.
3) Challenger’s chances in Sunday’s fifth final
– The first 40 minutes were in the fourth final, if not exactly the Pelicans’ performance, but a really strong performance. The base that was cast in it must also be taken to Tampere on Sunday.
Tappara has the opportunity to celebrate its third consecutive championship already on Sunday. Instead, Pelicans need three consecutive wins against Tappara for the SM gold.
– Pelicans need faith, patience and brave play on the puck right from opening play to passing. Fresh and daring things to do with a game tool. You have to support your friends and go on the ice as a five, Nättinen said.
– The Pelicans have the means and keys to destabilize Tappara, but of course it is quite clear that the reigning champions will not play as badly as they did in Lahti for the first 40 minutes. We have an interesting Sunday ahead of us.
‘s advance broadcast starts at Areena 45 minutes before each match.
Sat 20.4. Tappara–Pelicans 3–1 (2–0, 0–0, 1–1)
Mon 22.4. Pelicans–Tappara 2–3 (0–1, 1–2, 1–0)
Wed 24.4. Tappara–Pelicans 2.je 1–2 (0–1.1–0.0–0.0–0.0–1)
Fri 26.4. Pelicans – Tappara je 3–4 (2–0.0–0.1–3.0–1)
Sun 28.4. Tappara – Pelicans at 17:00, Areena
If necessary:
Mon 29.4. Pelicans–Tappara at 18:30, Areena
Thu 2.5. Tappara–Pelicans at 18:30, Areena
Ylen Ice Hockey Tour follow all the final matches until the decision.