We can guess your romantic status through your character traits according to science

We can guess your romantic status through your character traits

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    Depending on your character traits, science is able to determine your romantic status. So are you rather conscientious, reserved or on the contrary very sociable? In each situation, here is what the science says.

    Does character affect romantic relationships? Yes, according to the results of a study carried out by researchers at the University of Toronto, in Canada. They chose to analyze five particular character traits and their romantic situations.

    A study on personality and love situation

    To test their hypothesis, the researchers recruited more than 1,800 people aged 20 to 59, single or in a relationship for at least six months. They chose to rely on five character traits:

    • be extroverted;
    • pleasant ;
    • conscientious;
    • neurotic;
    • and open-minded.

    Participants completed a series of questionnaires measuring personality, satisfaction with their status (single or in a relationship), sexual satisfaction, and overall life satisfaction.

    Being single doesn’t mean being unhappy

    According to the results of the questionnaires, being (more or less) introverted affects one’s romantic status. So this personality trait increases the chances/risks of being single. However, the results show that more reserved people appreciate time spent alone and the independence that comes from it.

    Introverts can manage their reactions to their feelings themselves, they are less dependent and would be more inclined to celibacy, because this character makes it a little more difficult to establish a relationship, without suffering from it.” explains Elaine Hoan, professor in the psychology department at the University of Toronto.

    Contrary to what one might believe, there are many happy single people because “relationships don’t play as big a role in overall life satisfaction as you might think” she adds. “We discovered that personality, more than relationship status, determines who is happy with their life and who is not.

    For each character trait, scientists have established certain characteristics. Extroverted people are those who have a large entourage, whether they are in a relationship or not. Conscientious people demonstrate organization in their lives.

    Conscientious people are more likely to be goal-oriented, especially traditional goals like getting a job and getting married, and demonstrate a strong work ethic, which can fuel their desire and ability to get started and to engage in a serious romantic relationship”which can take time, analyzes Elaine Hoan.

    Finally, people classified as neurotic are more likely to feel anxiety, emotional instability, and depression. Moreover, when they are in a relationship, the depressive symptoms such as sadness and lack of energy that they feel “can make it more difficult to pursue and maintain a relationship, although the emotional support you receive in a romantic relationship could reduce these symptoms.”.

    Personality is just one element among others

    Reading these results, it can be easy to blame a character trait (being introverted or neurotic, for example) to explain one’s singleness, for example. The researchers emphasize that they are only one element and that other factors can explain the situation.

    There is no point in wanting to change everything to find true love. Because on the one hand, celibacy can be fulfilling and on the other hand, as Elaine Hoan reminds us, “you don’t have to be someone you’re not to be happy, you just have to be yourself“.
