Minister Uraloğlu announced: X still has not appointed a representative to Turkey, band narrowing is also on our agenda.

Minister Uraloglu announced X still has not appointed a representative

Minister of Transport and Infrastructure Abdulkadir Uraloğlu attended the reception held at the Turkish Grand National Assembly on the occasion of April 23 National Sovereignty and Children’s Day. Speaking about the ‘Development Road Project’, Uraloğlu said, “Until now, we were carrying out the development road project twice, Iraq and Turkey. We signed a quadruple agreement with our efforts in the last few days.

We also included the United Arab Emirates and Qatar. Because it will contribute to the financing, cargo supply and operation of this business. This is a very serious stage and we will hold a quadruple ministerial summit in two months. But we already meet weekly at the general manager level both in Iraq and in Turkey. There is an unfinished section of the project in the south of Turkey and north of Iraq. When it was completed, we talked about the financing model. “We want to take a position on starting there this year,” he said.

Emphasizing that offices related to development will be opened soon, Uraloğlu also said that a company could be established within TCDD.


On the other hand, social media platform ‘X’ was warned to open a representative office in Turkey and the platform was given an advertising ban in Turkey until the representative office was opened. Speaking to a question about the developments in this matter and whether a band narrowing penalty will be imposed as an additional sanction, Uraloğlu said, “‘X’ has still not appointed a representative to Turkey. There will also be a legal regulation regarding this. Our negotiations are still continuing. There is an advertising ban in force.” “The next thing you mentioned is (band narrowing) is on our agenda,” he said.

(DHA)This content was published by Cansu Akalp

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