in Marseille, Jean-Luc Mélenchon focuses on social issues

Jean-Luc Mélenchon was in a meeting this Sunday March 27 in Marseille. Less than 15 days before the presidential election, the leader of the Insoumis sees himself overtaking Marine Le Pen to qualify for the second round. The deputy, elected in the Bouches-du-Rhône, took advantage of his presence in one of the poorest cities in France to talk about social crisis and purchasing power.

With our correspondent in Marseille, Yoram Melloul

Under the gaze of the Mediterranean Sea, Jean-Luc Melenchon is on the offensive against its adversaries, in the forefront of which is Emmanuel Macron and his program. ” We know everything, we understood everything, we don’t want it, we vote against you “, he asserts.

He attacks the reform of the RSA proposed by the president – candidate who wants to condition access to this aid to working hours: ” There they are, with floury faces and smooth mouths. These will be works of general interest. And no one told them that community service is for delinquents. And poverty is not crime. »

Social themes

In front of an audience that the Insoumis hoped would be larger, he focused on social themes. Access to school was at the heart of his remarks. ” I owe everything to the public school, to the teachers and mistresses who educate us. »

Or the cost of living. ” The explosion in the prices of gas, electricity and basic necessities must be stopped. Prices need to be locked. “And in the heat of Marseille, the candidate hammers it. He has worked well on his program and will be in the second round.

