Arms hunt in the EU: “Looking at all options”

Arms hunt in the EU Looking at all options



full screen Defense Minister Pål Jonson and Foreign Minister Tobias Billström on their way to Monday’s EU meeting in Luxembourg. Photo: Wiktor Nummelin/TT

Everyone must do more, is emphasized when the foreign and defense ministers of the EU countries meet jointly in the search for more arms aid to Ukraine.

Sweden is opening up for more anti-aircraft robots – but so far hardly any Patriot systems.

The serious situation in Ukraine has caused EU foreign affairs chief Josep Borrell to also summon the member states’ defense ministers to Monday’s foreign ministers’ meeting in Luxembourg.

– We have asked all member states to do what they can to increase the air defense capacity in Ukraine, says Borrell on his way into the meeting.

Germany has already pledged another air defense system with hotly sought-after American Patriot robots and is also rallying other countries to a joint support initiative, dubbed IAAD.

Money from Sweden

Sweden expects to primarily participate with money, although Defense Minister Pål Jonson (M) does not rule out that Sweden could also send Patriot.

– The Patriot system in Sweden is under construction and is a limited resource. But I don’t rule out that possibility. We are also looking at whether we can do more with Robot-70. It’s a way to relieve Patriot because with such a system you can remove drones, says Jonson on his way into the meeting.

There is no news about possible Swedish Gripen plans for Ukraine.

– We have no news on this. Calls are in progress. This is also work that takes place within what is called the Air Force Coalition, where we hold discussions about how we can best strengthen the Ukrainian air defense, Jonson says.

Ramstein meeting

No new decisions or declarations from different countries are expected during Monday. For many, the sights are instead set on the next meeting within the US-led so-called Ramstein Group – the Contact Group for the Defense of Ukraine – towards the end of the week.

Everyone emphasizes the urgency.

– We look at all options and we do it together with other countries. Everyone must do more, says Dutch Defense Minister Kajsa Ollongren on her way into the meeting.

FACTS Patriot in Sweden

In 2018, Sweden ordered four units of the American Patriot air defense system, which is now part of the Swedish defense under the designation Luftförsvarssystem 103.

During 2022, more robots were ordered for the system. However, how many and at what cost is a secret.

Other countries in Europe that have Patriot are Germany, Greece, Poland, Romania and Spain.

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