Timour Muhidine, protector of Turkish Letters

Timour Muhidine protector of Turkish Letters

His street is an atlas, a terrestrial globe, a world map where he finds his way without sextant or astrolabe. Remind me to ask him what a sextant is…

This navigator of worlds is called Timour Muhidine and whatever path it takes, it always leads to Istanbul. First a researcher at the French Institute for Anatolian Studies in Istanbul, then a teacher of contemporary Turkish literature at Inalco, he also directs the Turkish Letters collection for Actes Sud. So the Turkish-faced gentleman, do you think so? Not really, but a fine connoisseur and translator of the Turkish soul and the French mood, it is even what animates his pen in his new novel entitled The ethnographer’s daughter.

The musical choices of Timour Muhidine

Dario Moreno The Brazilian

Tarkan Geçek

Patti Smith Because the night
