This simple gesture helps you lose weight – if you do it early every morning

This simple gesture helps you lose weight if you

This rather innocuous morning gesture could help us lose a few pounds…

Opening your shutters is a harmless gesture that most of us do to ventilate our interior, renew the air, warm (or cool) our house or simply not live in the dark. That’s not all. Hard to believe, but the simple act of opening your shutters as soon as you wake up would help you lose weight. And this, for several scientifically proven biological reasons. On the one hand, opening your shutters allows the sun to enter the house. The sun is the most important source of vitamin D, gold ““if there is a vitamin D deficiency, the body regulates insulin less well and the person tends to crave more sugar and gain weight”, explained Dr. Nina Cohen-Koubi, nutritionist and psychosomatician, during a previous interview. Furthermore, exposing your body to daylight as soon as you wake up helps regulate our circadian rhythms, in other words, all the biological processes that act for 24 hours. This is commonly called the “internal clock”. Studies, including one published in the scientific journal Cell Reports, showed that a disruption of the internal clock could cause weight gain, even if the diet did not change. According to researchers, this disruption promotes the secretion of cortisol (the stress hormone) and the increase in fat mass in the body. Obviously, opening your shutters is not magic and will not allow you to lose 5 kilos without doing anything on the side, but it is a habit that can be completely anchored in a morning routine and it is worth a try. ..

On the other hand, at night, it is better to close your shutters and sleep in the dark. Recently, a Chinese study published in the journal Stroke showed that artificial light sources such as LEDs or fluorescent lamps could disrupt and suppress the production of melatonin, a natural hormone that helps you fall asleep, which can in the long term “lead to changes in biological indicators, including elevated levels of triglycerides, C-reactive protein, blood pressure and blood sugar, all of which are triggers for the onset of cerebrovascular disease.” You should therefore protect yourself as much as possible from light pollution at night by closing your shutters.
