The hunt for the suspect in Västerås ends here – shot by the police

After three elderly women were attacked in Västerås on Friday, the police chased a suspected perpetrator. He was discovered by the police a few kilometers from the crime scene, where he had slipped into a residential plot.

During the operation, the police used a distraction grenade, which can distract a suspect through strong light and sound.

Serious violent crime on Oxbacken in Västerås

  • Three women injured in serious violent crime in Västerås – suspected perpetrator shot by police

  • – It is a grenade that goes off several times and it can be perceived as several shots, but you should not be injured by it, says police spokesperson Tobias Ahlén-Svalbro.

    The man, who is in his 30s, was shot by the police during the arrest. He was taken to hospital with initially serious injuries, but his condition is described as stable. He was arrested later on Friday evening on suspicion of attempted murder.

    According to a witness on the spot, there were between 25 and 30 police officers involved in the operation where the man was arrested.

    – It was very coordinated and went quickly, says the witness to SVT Nyheter Västmanland.

    The suspected man is shot during the police operation – see the dramatic course in the video
