Tesla continues to search for Superchargers project developer for Turkey

Tesla continues to search for Superchargers project developer for Turkey

The manufacturer, which will officially start operating in Turkey, opens job postings in line with local plans. Tesla Turkey still looking for a project developer.

Giant manufacturer headed by Elon Musk, for those who missed it Tesla Motors Sales and Services Limited It is preparing to start operations in Turkey through a company named . Tesla Turkey CEO of operation Kemal passes and many of the “Model” series cars on sale will be officially brought to Turkey. The company will also establish fast charging stations for these vehicles in Turkey. In this regard, the company has long been a “project developer” calling. Applications have been received for a long time for this position, which was opened for the installation of Superchargers stations in Turkey. The details of the fully English advertisement opened by the company are directly available. here is located.

Tesla primarily in Turkey Istanbul, Izmir, Antalya, Aydin, Balikesir, Bursa, Edirne, Hendek and Konya It was reported that fast charging stations would be set up in central locations. With the subsequent update, a new ditch location is included. For the first time in addition to the list all soma location is also logged. There has been no update on this list for two weeks.

Tesla also today Istanbul opened a new post based and Order Operations Specialist started searching. The details of this fully English advertisement can be found directly. here is located. With this new position, the company’s active job postings increased to two.


Meanwhile, Togg company continues to open different job postings for the domestic automobile project. directly to their details. from here you can reach We expect Tesla and Togg to continuously increase their job postings in Turkey in line with different needs. Business pages of companies are constantly updated.

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