The city of Lviv was hit! ‘Russia sends greetings to Biden’

The city of Lviv was hit Russia sends greetings to

Russia’s military intervention in Ukraine continues. Russian forces struck the city of Liviv, located close to the Polish border. While it was stated that 5 people were injured in the incident, it was stated that the attack was a message to President Biden in Poland.


Russia’s attacks on Ukraine were directed towards the city of Lviv. New images were recorded after the attacks carried out by Russia in the Ukrainian city of Lviv yesterday evening.


Lviv Governor Maksim Kozitskiy announced that 5 people were injured in the city where the Russian army carried out 3 rocket attacks.



Mayor Andriy Sadoviy stated that the reason for the shooting of the city of Lviv, which is close to the Polish border, was because President Biden was in Poland, “This is the second attack in the last week. Infrastructure targeted. There is serious damage to the city. The explosion waves resulting from the attack damaged educational institutions such as schools and kindergartens. The windows were shattered, but while there was no loss of life, some citizens were injured. With today’s attacks, the aggressive country sent greetings to President Biden in Poland. Lviv is 70 kilometers from Poland. The whole world must understand that the threat is very serious. No one knows their future plans. All cities are in trouble. I hope there will be less casualties. “The more weapons we have, the more rocket destruction weapons we have, the faster our victory will be,” he said.



On the other hand, while the Russian army captured the Ukrainian city of Slavutic, 3 people lost their lives during the protests of the people of the city against Russia.

Source: UAV
