Stye: what is it?

Stye what is it

stye is a small infection that is located at the base of the eyelash of a eye. He is without gravity but can be painful and embarrassing. Usually it resolves after a few days on its own, but sometimes requires a visit to a doctor.

What is a stye?

The eyelashes, skin appendages located at the edge of the eyelids protect the eyes and are made up of a rod of keratinized cells implanted in the dermis inside a cavity: the follicle hairy. The latter contains nerve endings and accessory glands (sweat and sebaceous). The stye is the result of a bacterial infection, usually staphylococcus, which develops in this cavity. An abscess develops, with accumulation of pus and materials at the edge of the eyelid. The causes can be various: rubbing of the eyemakeup, wearing lentils and its occurrence is more common in people with diabetesof drought eyes, of dermatitis seborrheic or presenting with immune deficiency.

What are the symptoms of a stye and what treatment should be adopted?

A stye often begins with painful redness and swelling at the base of an eyelash that can lead to itching. The eye tears and becomes sensitive to lighta lump appears the size of a grain ofbarley, fills with pus and eventually pierces spontaneously after a few days. Benign but nonetheless embarrassing and painful, this condition recidivism frequently in the absence of antibiotic therapy. The treatment is based onapplication hot water compresses on the lesion.

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