Trend of the week: the butterfly pea, the beauty and well-being flower par excellence

Trend of the week the butterfly pea the beauty and

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    A highly prized plant in Ayurvedic medicine, the butterfly pea flower is very popular in Southeast Asia where it originates. She is now ready to conquer our cups of tea but not only! Find out everything you need to know about the trend of the week.

    Butterfly Pea flower, also known as Blue Pea, Butterfly Pea Flower or Clitoria Ternatea in Latin, is a plant from the Fabaceae family, like wisteria. It presents a pretty blue flower, a rare natural blue pigment which promises to enchant all our recipes.

    Already very popular in Thailand, the butterfly pea flower is starting to take off on social networks. And for good reason, this little marvel caffeine free is magic! It makes any dish or drink particularly Instagrammable. The plant offers a beautiful blue color to our drinks but its power does not stop there. Its pH levels change with the addition of certain ingredients. Lemon or lime juice brings out a vibrant purple color, while a base of hibiscus flower or honey changes its hue to pink. In addition to being very pretty visually, the Butterfly Pea flower has many benefits, including relaxing and anti-stress. Here is everything you need to know about this plant that has not finished seducing us!

    butterfly pea

    What are the benefits of Butterfly Pea flower?

    The butterfly pea flower is rich in antioxidants, minerals and vitamins, which makes it a real health ally. She is :

    If blue is a soothing color that brings a feeling of well-being, the infusion of butterfly pea flowers has a calming effect on the body. Thanks to its minerals and vitamins, this adaptogenic plant helps to reduce stress and anxiety but also to find sleep. Having tested it, we can assure you that the Butterfly Pea is very effective in quickly falling into the arms of Morpheus, insomnia are just bad memories!

    This pretty flower not only relaxes the mind but also the muscles and nerves, while promoting blood circulation. It is ideal after a busy day or a sports session.

    It improves cognitive functions such as concentration, attention and memory. Yes, butterfly pea flower tea increases the level of acetylcholine, the neurotransmitter essential for the proper functioning of the brain.

    • Ideal for skin and hair

    The Butterfly Pea is a major beauty ally. Its anthocyanins increase the levels of collagen, elastin and hyaluronic acid contained in the skin while the antioxidants help manage and eliminate free radicals, responsible for skin aging. But that’s not all ! The infusions also improve hair growth thanks to the bioflavonoid content which promotes hair growth, restores volume and slows down graying. Did you say magic?

    Butterfly Pea also contains good nutrients to strengthen the hair fiber and make the hair shinier. This is the dye found in blue shampoo that eliminates yellow or red highlights from blond, white, gray… and even brown hair!

    • Ideal for eye health

    Butterfly Pea contains proanthocyanidin, which increases blood circulation in the eye capillaries. This small flower is therefore beneficial for the health of the eyes, it reinforces the clarity and the sharpness of the vision. In Asia, there are even eye drops made from Butterfly Pea flowers.

    Our selection of Butterfly Pea flowers:

    The flowers of Blue Tea Butterfly Pea Flower

    The flowers of Blue Tea Butterfly Pea Flower

    Bluechai Butterfly Pea Powder

    Bluechai Butterfly Pea Powder

    Butterfly pea tea from OkO-OkO

    Butterfly pea tea from OkO-OkO

    Note that it is important to choose a product containing 100% natural and/or organic flowers from Southeast Asia.

    Butterfly Pea flowers are mainly consumed as a drink, whether in hot infusion, in milk preparations or even in cocktails to give them a beautiful blue or purple or even pink color! Know that its earthy and rich flavor, a bit sweet, goes perfectly with ginger and lemon. Just infuse a dozen flowers for 3 to 4 minutes in 1L of water and the magic happens!

    Butterfly pea cocktails

    You can also infuse them in the water of your rice to make it blue, create ice cubes or magical ice creams or add a few flowers to decorate a salad or a vegetable dish. It’s your turn !
